Les Petits Lins are the result of the union of two major historic wine Domaines in Burgundy: Diane Levez from Meursault and Jean-Luc Fouquerand from La Rochepot. They both accumulate nearly 200 years of production of Great Wines of Burgundy! Vick and Clémentine, the two daughters of Jean-Luc and Diane Fouquerand, are now fully part of the adventure, with the aim of perpetuating this family winemaking tradition, thus representing the 7th generation of vine growers in Meursault. Les Petits Champs Lins own 9 hectares of vineyards and a modern cellar at the forefront of innovative techniques, while maintaining the ancestral methods of winemaking, thus perpetuating the harmonious union of tradition and modernity necessary to produce Great Wines of Burgundy on prestigious appellations: Meursault, Volnay, Corton, Savigny-lès-Beaune, Saint Aubin, Chassagne Montrachet…
Domaine Diane Levez has been transmitted generation after generation from Domaine Boyer-Morey. Ferdinand and Armand Boyer, the two children of this original Domaine, were already winemakers and wine dealers before 1918. The two brothers were unfortunately swept away by the Spanish flu that same year. Andree, the daughter of one of the two brothers, is eager to resume the activity and continue the work of the family, but at that time, the girls are still rejected from the cellars because of bad old traditionnal beliefs. Andrée consoles herself by working on the administrative part of the Hospices de Beaune wine estate. To her great satisfaction, after 24 years of struggle against strong prejudices, her daughter Diane settles in the vineyards of her grandfather. With today’s Vick and Clémentine, Diane’s daughters, we can say that at Domaine des Petits Champs Lins, history is always a great feminine story, generation after generation!

Jean-Luc Fouquerand is also the heir of a prestigious family tradition in Great Wines of Burgundy. His grandparents, Henry Charmeau and Marius Fouquerand, were already winemakers, farmers and breeders in Nolay and La Rochepot. Henry was also a distiller and an important figure in the Nolay area. The parents of Jean-Luc, Lucienne and Marc Fouquerand, naturally take over as vine growers, farmers and breeders in La Rochepot, after their marriage. In the years 1970-1975, Marc accelerates the development of his domain by planting vine. He is then joined by his sister Bernadette and her husband Jean-Claude Fontaine, who contributed to the development and consolidation of the winery by giving him vines. In order to prepare his own succession, and to perpetuate the Domaine, Marc founded a GAEC (Agricultural Exploitation Group) with his 2 sons Jean-Luc and Guy. Jean-Luc studied in viticulture and became a winemaker at the Hospices de Beaune for a few years before taking over his parents’ Domaine in 1984. In 2008, Marc Fouquerand retired. His two sons then decide to split the activities of the Domaine. This is the moment for Jean-Luc to unite his farm with that of Diane, his wife, to form what is today the Domaine Des Petits Champs Lins. With today Vick and Clementine, this beautiful family story continues to be written, vintage after vintage…